Hi, I'm Altair Rostam🍕

I'm a full-stack web developer, mainly dabbling with ReactJS and Django. Experienced in developing Telemedicine Applications with Deep Learning models integration.

Why programming is awesome : Because I get to tinker on stuffs without breaking things (literally) 😁



Tech Stack

  •  React

  •  Django

  •  NextJS

  •  Python

  •  Javascript

  •  HTML

  •  CSS

  •  PostgreSQL

  •  DigitalOcean

  •  Orthanc


Web application for automatic COVID-19 Detection based on MRI Lung Images

  • React
  • MUI 5
  • Django
  • Keras
  • OpenCV
  • CornerstoneJS
  • DigitalOcean


Web based automatic brain disease classification with annotation tools on MRI Brain Images application

  • React
  • MUI 5
  • Django
  • Keras
  • OpenCV
  • CornerstoneJS
  • DicomParser
  • Orthanc
  • DigitalOcean


Online consultation for skin diseases for clinic and patient with deep learning integration on Skin Images

  • React
  • MUI 5
  • Django
  • Keras
  • OpenCV
  • DigitalOcean

Get in Touch🤙🏽

I enjoy tackling new challenges and domains.

If you think I can be a great addition to your team, or my skillsets can help with your new upcoming project, or you simply want to say hello to me
